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CJA 20 Voucher Information

The information on this page pertains to attorneys appointed to represent a defendant pursuant to Title 18, U.S.C., Section 3006A. Your CJA 20 claim for compensation, which can be found on the electronic docket sheet of your case, must be submitted within forty-five (45) days after final disposition of your case in the District court. Note: Both the CJA 20 and CJA 24 are court generated forms with all of the pertinent case information already inserted. These forms must be used for payment in this case only. If you need more than one CJA 24 you may copy your pre-filled form for that purpose.

The following information is covered by the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), Title 18, U.S.C., Section 3006A and should assist you in the completion of the CJA 20 form. If you have additional questions, please call the Judge’s courtroom deputy in the Clerk’s Office, or use our online contact form.


  • Hourly Rates
    A list of current and past rates is provided. Travel time is reimbursable only if the round trip exceeds one hour. Time must be reported in 1/10 hours only
  • Maximum Compensation
    Compensation (exclusive of allowable expenses) is limited as follows:
    • Felonies
      $9,700 for trial court level
      $6,900 for appeal
    • Misdemeanors
      $2,800 for trial court level
      $6,900 for appeal
    • 18 U.S.C. § 4106A (commonly referred to as an International Parole proceeding):
      $2,100 for trial court level
      $6,900 for appeal
    • Other representations (i.e., probation violation, supervised release hearings, parole proceedings, material witness in custody, contempt, and grand jury witness):
      $2,100 for trial court level
      $2,100 for appeal
    • Non-capital habeas (i.e., 28:2241, 2254, 2255, and non-death penalty cases:
      $9,700 for trial court level
      $6,900 for appeal
  • Compensation of Co-Counsel
    Unless appointed in accordance with paragraphs 2.11B or 6.01A, co-counsel or associate attorneys may not be compensated under the Act. However, an appointed counsel may claim compensation for services furnished by a partner or associate or, with prior authorization by the court, counsel who is not a partner or associate, within the maximum compensation allowed by the Act, separately identifying the provider of each service.
  • Claims in Excess
    Claims in excess of maximum amounts must be accompanied by a detailed memorandum, supporting and justifying that the representation given was in an extended or complex case and that excess payment is necessary to provide fair compensation.


  • Transcripts
    Court authorized transcripts may be claimed as a reimbursable expense; however, requests for and reimbursement of transcripts authorized by the Court must be submitted on a CJA 24 form. A pre-filled CJA 24 form is on the electronic docket of your case.
  • Travel Limitations Appointed counsel may attend without prior authorization any scheduled court proceeding upon notice of such proceeding. Any travel requiring an overnight stay must be approved by the Court prior to travel.
  • Travel Expenses
    Travel by privately owned automobiles should be claimed at the effective mileage rate at the time of travel, plus parking fees, ferry fees, etc. Per Diem in lieu of subsistence is not authorized; therefore, expenses for meals and lodging incurred represent out-of-pocket expenses and are subject to the limitations placed upon federal judicial employees not to exceed the daily rate for the division in which the hearing is held.
  • Supporting Documentation
    All travel expenses must be supported by documentation. Furthermore, all miscellaneous expenses which exceed $50 must be supported by documentation (receipts, canceled checks, etc.).
  • Record Keeping of Contemporaneous Time Records
    Appointed counsel must maintain expense records and contemporaneous time and attendance records for all work performed, including work performed by associates, partners, and support staff. Such records, which may be subject to audit, must be retained for three years after approval of the final voucher for an appointment.
  • Computer Assisted Legal Research
    The cost of computer assisted legal research equipment used by appointed counsel may be allowed as a reimbursable out-of-pocket expense, provided that the total amount approved for computer assisted legal research does not exceed the total amount of attorney compensation that reasonably would have been approved if counsel had performed the research manually. Whenever appointed counsel incurs charges for computer assisted legal research, the following should be attached to the compensation voucher:
    • 1) a brief statement setting forth the issue or issues that were the subject matter of the research;
    • 2) an estimate of the number of hours of attorney time that would have been required to do the research manually; and
    • 3) a copy of the bill and receipt for the use of the equipment or an explanation of the precise basis of the charge (e.g., indicating the extent to which it was derived by proration of monthly charges, or by charges identifiable to the specific research).


  • Request
    Request for such services may be made ex parte and heard in camera unless consented to otherwise by the defendant. Requests should be submitted on a CJA 21 form. To acquire CJA 21 forms counsel must file a motion and proposed order with the court in advance of the service.
  • Interpreter Services
    Requests for interpreter services should be approved by the court on a CJA 21 form prior to contacting and engaging the services of an interpreter. To acquire CJA 21 forms, counsel must file a motion and proposed order with the court in advance of the service.
  • Limitations
    With prior approval, $2,400; without prior approval, $800.
  • Excess Compensation
    Claims in excess of $2,400 may be approved for request for services authorized prior to the performance of such service. Advance approval should be obtained from the Court and the Chief Judge of the Circuit.


  • Request
    Witness subpoenas for indigent defendants are governed by Rule 17(b), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. This rule should be reviewed and motions filed well in advance of hearings and/or trial.


  • Please see the Fiscal Year 1998 Judiciary Appropriations Act, Public Law 105-119 which amended the provision of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), 18 U.S.C. 3006A as it pertains to public disclosure of CJA attorney payment information.

Questions? Please call the Judge’s courtroom deputy in the Clerk’s Office, or use our online contact form, regarding any questions you may have about your appointment.