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CJA 30 Voucher Information

The information on this page pertains to attorneys appointed to represent a defendant in a capital (death penalty) case, pursuant to Title 18, U. S. C., Section 3005.  Attorneys must submit a CJA 30 claim for compensation within 45 days of the final disposition of the case in the District court, unless good cause is shown (please see 2.21A of the CJA Guidelines). Note:  The CJA 30 form is a court-generated form with all of the pertinent case information already inserted, and it can be found on the electronic docket sheet of the case to which theattorney is appointed.  This form must be used for payment in this case only.

The CJA Form 31 should be used to obtain investigative, expert and other services in all death eligible cases through disposition of the case, regardless whether the death penalty is authorized, not-authorized, or de-authorized.

For more in-depth information concerning CJA 30 and 31 vouchers, please refer to Chapter 6 of the CJA Guidelines.

The following information is covered by the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), Title 18 U. S. C., Section 3005 and should assist you in the completion of the CJA 30 form.  If you have additional questions, please call the Judge’s courtroom deputy in the Clerk’s Office, or use our online contact form


  • Hourly Rates  
    Pursuant to 21 U. S. C., Section 848(q)(10)(A), the presiding judicial officer shall set the hourly compensation rate for appointed counsel in an amount not to exceed $178 per hour for work performed on or after January 1, 2010. A list of current and past rates is provided. 
  • Maximum Compensation There is neither a statutory case compensation maximum for appointed counsel nor provision for review and approval by the chief judge of the circuit of the case compensation amount in capital cases.


  • Travel Expenses 
    Travel related expenses that are incidental to the representation must be itemized on a separate sheet, indicating dates the expense was incurred.  Please attach supporting documentation.  Travel by privately owned automobiles should be claimed at the mileage rate effective at the time of travel.  
  • Transcripts 
    Court authorized transcripts may be claimed as a reimbursable expense; however, requests for and reimbursement of transcripts authorized by the Court must be submitted on a CJA 24 form. A pre-filled CJA 24 form is on the electronic docket of your case.
  • Supporting Documentation 
    All travel expenses must be supported by documentation. Furthermore, all miscellaneous expenses which exceed $50 must be supported by documentation (receipts, canceled checks, etc.).
  • Record Keeping of Contemporaneous Time Records 
    Appointed counsel must maintain expense records and contemporaneous time and attendance records for all work performed, for a period of three years after approval of the final voucher.  Any overpayments are subject to collection, including deduction of the amounts due from future vouchers.        
  • Computer Assisted Legal Research 
    The cost of computer assisted legal research equipment used by appointed counsel may be allowed as a reimbursable out-of-pocket expense, provided that the total amount approved for computer assisted legal research does not exceed the total amount of attorney compensation that reasonably would have been approved if counsel had performed the research manually. Whenever appointed counsel incurs charges for computer assisted legal research, the following should be attached to the compensation voucher:
    • 1) a brief statement setting forth the issue or issues that were the subject matter of the research;
    • 2) an estimate of the number of hours of attorney time that would have been required to do the research manually; and
    • 3) a copy of the bill and receipt for the use of the equipment or an explanation of the precise basis of the charge (e.g., indicating the extent to which it was derived by proration of monthly charges, or by charges identifiable to the specific research). 


*Except as otherwise specified, the provisions set forth in Chapter III of the Guidelines for the Administration of the Criminal Justice Act and Related Statutes shall apply.

  • Request 
    Request for such services may be made in all death eligible cases through disposition of the case, regardless of whether the death penalty is authorized, not authorized, or de-authorized.  Prior authorization from the presiding judicial officer must be secured for all investigative expert or other services where the cost will exceed $800.  If prior authorization is obtained for an investigative, expert or other service and later it is determined that the cost of the service will exceed the initial estimate by a significant amount, you should seek, from the presiding judicial officer, further prior authorization for the additional amount.  Requests should be submitted on a CJA 31 form.  To acquire CJA 31 forms, counsel must file a motion and proposed order with the court in advance of the service.
  • Interpreter Services 
    Requests for interpreter services should be approved by the court on a CJA 31 form prior to contacting and engaging the services of an interpreter. To acquire CJA 31 forms, counsel must file a motion and proposed order with the court in advance of the service.
  • Limitations 
    Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. Section 848(q)(10)(B), the fees and expenses for investigative, expert, and other services are limited to $7,500 in any case unless payment in excess of that amount is certified by the court.  The $7,500 limit applies to the total payments for investigative, expert, and other services in a case, not to each service individually. 
  • Excess Compensation 
    Once payments for investigative, expert, and other services total $7,500, then additional payments must be approved by the chief judge of the circuit.  


  • Please see the Fiscal Year 1998 Judiciary Appropriations Act, Public Law 105-119 which amended the provision of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA), 18 U.S.C. 3006A as it pertains to public disclosure of CJA attorney payment information.


Questions? Please call the  courtroom deputy for the presiding judge in your case, or use our online contact form, regarding any questions you may have about your appointment.